Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

[Tutorial 2] Gomoku in Unity - Player control

4:05 PM Posted by Unknown 4 comments
Hi everyone,

Welcome to my second tutorial. In this session, we will explore how to make player control. However, we are not going make player vs computer yet, just player vs player in this tutorial because it can be easy to understand before we move to the third tutorial about making computer AI (Artificial Intelligence) and checking winner.

*All scripts are written in C# but Unity also support JavaScript and Boo, so if you don't know C# but JavaScript, that's fine because they are not so different.
* If anyone have a question, feel free to ask and I will try to answer as fast as possible.
*Anything in this tutorial can be wrong, so if anyone see it, you guys can feedback and I will correct it to improve the tutorial. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

OK, let's start the tutorial and hope you enjoyed this session.

[Tutorial 1] Gomoku in Unity - Create the game board

12:28 AM Posted by Unknown 2 comments
Hello everyone,

I'm writing this post to show how to make a simple 2D game in Unity. I'm not the expert in Unity and I just have played around with it for 2 months so may be some of my understanding or knowledge are wrong and one more point is that I'm not the native English speaker so forgive me if I make any mistakes.

Alright, That's enough talk :). Let get into the Unity and I will introduce you how to make Gomoku game, it same as Tic tac toe but this time, we have to play in the big board and 5 in row to win, not 3 anymore. 

*All scripts are written in C# but Unity also support JavaScript and Boo, so if you don't know C# but JavaScript, that's fine because they are not so different.
* If anyone have a question, feel free to ask and I will try to answer as fast as possible.
*Anything in this tutorial can be wrong, so if anyone see it, you guys can feedback and I will correct it to improve the tutorial. Any help will be greatly appreciated.